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Click through Rate in a simple definition means the no. of people have clicked on your online ad in a given amount of time. Higher conversion rates demand higher click-through Rates (CTR). If you are successful in achieving a higher CTR, it implies that your ads are reaching the audience and you have a great quality score. CTR is very crucial for a PPC campaign.
With a good score, the cost per click decreases and your ad gets a higher rank. Thus, PPC and CTR are inter-linked. Google Adwords campaign and social media ads run on PPC and CTR, where if CTR is on the higher side, the ad gives a sure shot success. A CTR creates more impressions helps in achieving a better search rank and ensures a higher conversion.

Here are a few benefits of CTR:

1. Higher Ranking in SERPs:

A good CTR ensures a good ranking on Google. In order to improve your ranking and shift one position higher, you need to work on your CTR by almost 3%. For every single position you wish to climb, you need to work on your CTR. In case you fail to maintain a given CTR rate, you page ad campaign will not be successful.

2. Improve search results:

Besides CTR being a crucial element for an ad campaign, it is also required for the success of SEO of the website. A higher CTR will improve the SEO. With better ranking, the more users would be able to find you in search results. For instance, if you are at position 7 and your competitor is at position 6 on Google’s SERP, check for the CTR, if your CTR is higher than your competitors you can swap your position by increasing your CTR by 3%. To continue to this position, you will have to maintain your CTR.

3. E-mail Marketing:

A brand with higher CTR for emails has more chances to reach an inbox, is opened by the customers and gets clicked. If a client is engaged by a brand through emails and the client is interested to read the emails of his favorite brand then he would continuously get emails from such brands. Thus, a higher CTR will ensure your success in email marketing.

-Anushree Srivastava

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